CATIE is Canadas source for accurate, up-to-date and trusted information about HIV, hepatitis C and substance use health. We connect healthcare and community-based service providers with the latest science, and promote good practices for prevention, testing, treatment and substance use health programs.
While anyone can be at risk for HIV, hepatitis C or harms related to drug use, these issues disproportionately affect Indigenous, Black and queer and trans communities, people who use drugs and immigrants and newcomers. This is not a coincidence, and is directly related to the stigma, discrimination and structural factors that create health inequities and prevent people from accessing health services and information. By working with and sharing knowledge from and for the communities most affected, we are working to undo the structural drivers of these public health concerns.
Le bureau et les toilettes sont équipés d’un accès pour les personnes en fauteuil roulant.