Our Programs and Services:
The Client Care program works directly with people living with HIV/AIDS. Our Client Care Coordinator works with individuals to determine personal needs and together design supportive plans which may include: practical needs (food, clothing), health services (transportation, medication, and nutrition), and support (counseling, alternative treatments).
Harm reduction programs such as our Needle Exchange program and condom distribution.
Education services that offer free HIV/HCV/STI presentations to schools, community centres, reserves, and correctional facilities. We also train for Naloxone and distribute kits.
We have a nurse every Thursday to test for HIV, Hepatitis A/B/C, STI's, and pregnancy.
Provide practicums for nursing and social work students who then design the Tender Loving Care (TLC) program which offer a healthy snack, education regarding specific health/social issues each week, and a quick health checkup (blood pressure/blood sugar).
Saskatchewan Time (GMT-5/6)