Our 12th Avenue Clinic provides:
Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV (STI Express Testing)
Gardasil (HPV) and Hepatitis A and B vaccines for people who meet eligibility criteria
Free condoms, lubricant & supplies for safer drug injection, smoking and snorting
The BC Centre for Disease Control manages a range of provincial programs and clinics that contribute to public health and help control the spread of disease in BC.
To book an appointment, please call 604-707-5600 during clinic hours.
A limited number of drop-in appointments are available from Monday to Friday (Saturdays are by appointment only). We will do our best to accommodate drop-ins, but are not able to guarantee availability. Appointments are recommended.
NOTE: STI Express Testing is drop-in only from Tuesday to Friday and by appointment only on Saturdays.
Pacific Time (GMT-7)