Carepoint Consumption and Treatment Service

Regional HIV/AIDS Connection's Carepoint Consumption and Treatment Service operates daily, including on statutory holidays, from 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM.

Carepoint is Ontario’s first officially-sanctioned temporary site for people to use their drugs safely and seek services for recovery.

In 2020, opioid-related deaths reached an all-time high in Ontario with reports of 2,426 deaths—a 60% increase compared to 2019. Supervised consumption facilities have been shown to improve public health, as well as public order (i.e.: reducing needle waste and public injection). People tend to use drugs in public areas because they don’t have a safe location to do so otherwise. These facilities provide people with a safe and clean place to use drugs.

Between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021, Carepoint recieved over 17,000 visits, reversed 171 overdoses and made 2,941 referrals to other supports in the community! Police report no increase in crime-related incidents as a result of CTS and we have helped to facilitate safer injection practices with all those who access the service. This reduces the risk of overdose and the spread of diseases, such as hepatitis C and HIV, and provides an opportunity to connect people who use drugs with treatment and support services in our community.

RHAC has initiated partnerships with the power of wrap-around supports through a variety of organizations, including: Addiction Services Thames Valley (ADSTV), London Intercommunity Health Center (LIHC), London Cares Homeless Response Services (LCHRS), Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Center (SOAHAC), Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU), and Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).

  • HCV
  • Counselling and Support
  • Harm Reduction

Pacific Time (GMT-7)

  • Monday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • Tuesday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • Wednesday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • Thursday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • Friday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • Saturday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • Sunday 9:30am-9:00pm
  • English

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