The Centre for Gender Advocacy is an independent, student-funded, Concordia University organization mandated to promote gender equality and empowerment, particularly as it relates to marginalized communities.

All of the harm reduction materials at the Centre are offered on a free, no-questions-asked, low-barrier basis. The following is a selection of current materials available at the Centre: tampons and pads, diverse safer sex supplies, nasal and injectable naloxone kits, needles, syringes and sniffers for safer injectable and inhalant drug use, supplies related to hormone replacement therapy.

Starting in March 2023, the Centre will be a Pick-Up Partner Site with the REACH Nexus program I’m Ready, a first-of-its-kind national research program that is sharing 50,000 free INSTI HIV Self Test kits.

Safer Injection and Drug Use Supplies

As part of our harm reduction approach, we offer sterile safer injection and drug use supplies free of charge, no questions asked.

Our current supplies include:

Needles / sharps (18g, 21g, 22g, 23g, 25g), 3ml syringes, 27g insulin syringes with built-in needle, Stericups / sterile cookers, Sterifilt® (a sterile, single use filter that eliminates virtually all impurities from a solution before its injection), Sterile water (3ml), Alcohol pads, 1.4L sharps containers for used needles, Naloxone kits*, Rapid Response Fentanyl (FYL) Liquid/Powder test strips*, Brochures on safer injection and drug use

*limited quantity

Note: Naloxone is available free of charge and without a prescription at any pharmacy if you have a RAMQ card. Click here to find a distribution point closest to you.

Needle exchange service:

You can bring your used syringes to us for safe disposal, and pick up new sharps containers.

  • HCV
  • Counselling and Support
  • Harm Reduction
  • Sexual Health
  • Legal Services
  • HIV Self-Testing
Accessibility information

Accessible entrance at 1625 avenue de Maisonneuve O.


Eastern Time (GMT-4)

  • Tuesday 12:00pm-5:00pm
  • Wednesday 12:00pm-5:00pm
  • Thursday 12:00pm-5:00pm
  • French
  • English

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