Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society
HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction: To provide low barrier access to safer sex and drug use supplies along with information/education to all surrounding areas in the community. Provide education in plain language to reduce stigma and encourage Participaction. To educate safe sex and drug use supplies. All done in a culturally safe environment, no matter what age, race or gender. Support and promote groups such as those who choose to take intravenous drugs, men who have sex with men, and sex trade workers. Reduce risk of high at-risk drug users by providing education on proper use of drug supplies. Provide HIV and HCV prevention including information on local support groups.
Fort nelson aboriginal friendship society HIV/AIDS Harm reduction program offers an array of services:
On site full Harm reduction supplies
HIV Testing kits- these are taken home if you want- or done on site
Onsite fentanyl testing strips
Disposal of needles
One-on-one information sessions on drug use/ safe sex
FIRETALK- Substance users group. Every other Thursday
Ready-made substance supply kits available upon request.
Fully certified Harm Reduction coach