The Health Centre houses a two doctor medical clinic, community and home care nurses, social services and community development staff. Programs include: Immunization program We hold flu clinics, and immunize infants, school children and adults. Immunization starts at the age of 2 months and continues through adulthood. Youre never too young or too old to get this form of protection. Well babies clinics The focus of the clinics is on healthy infant and child development. It starts with prenatal care, and continues through a childs first year of life. We offer parenting support and information on breast feeding, nutrition, bonding, and play. Clinics are held every Thursday afternoon 1 to 2:30 at Amlilas Pre and postnatal support Building blocks for healthy babies start with prenatal education and support, and continue after birth with information about nursing, parenting, nutrition, living with a newborn and support for growing families. School-based health We work with school children to help them form good health habits that will last a lifetime. The focus is on health education and school-based immunization. Environmental health liaison We work with various agencies to deliver environmental services that promote health. Examples are water testing, food safe training to meet professional requirements, and liaising with the housing committee about housing issues when needed. Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Through education and follow-up we support people living with diabetes, whether theyre newly diagnosed or have lived with diabetes for years. Each program is personalized, to fit each persons needs. Communicable Disease Control Our mission here is to monitor and screen for tuberculosis and other transmissible diseases in our community. Harm Reduction We facilitate measures that reduce the harm from different behaviours. It can mean promoting use of condoms or use of bike helmets and car seats, and lots in between. Program Coordination We help groups deliver a range of health programs on Cormorant Island, such as first aid courses, health information sessions or workshops. Patient Travel Program This is a subsidized assistive program for necessary medical or dental goods or services that are not covered by other government or third-party health insurance.
  • HCV
  • Testing
  • Counselling and Support
  • Harm Reduction
  • Sexual Health
  • Health and Wellness
  • Reproductive Health

Pacific Time (GMT-7)

  • Monday 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Tuesday 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Wednesday 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm
  • English

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