The Quesnel Mental Health and Addictions Community Program is an umbrella for a variety of services and programs. All are focussed on mental health and wellness. The program provides treatment and support for all types of mental illness. It also offers a number of specialty programs.

The services of the Quesnel Mental Health and Addictions Community Program are available to every person in the community. Clients may refer themselves to the program. The program also accepts doctor's referrals and referrals from other community agencies. All services are free and confidential

Some of the services provided include:

  • Crisis response/intervention
  • Case management and consultation
  • Short-term counselling
  • Life skills support
  • Medication management
  • Psycho-educational groups
  • Education and support groups
  • Addictions counselling and referrals to treatment facilities
  • Youth addiction services

The Quesnel Mental Health and Addictions Community Program also administers a methadone treatment program for community members with substance addictions.

  • Counselling and Support
  • Harm Reduction
  • Sexual Health
  • Food and Practical Assistance
  • Health and Wellness
  • English

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