Kensington Market Overdose Prevention Service - The Neighbourhood Group

St. Stephen's Community House is a unique, community-based social service agency that has been serving the needs of Kensington Market and surrounding neighbourhoods in downtown West Toronto since 1962. St. Stephen's addresses the most pressing issues in its community - poverty, hunger, homelessness, unemployment, isolation, conflict and violence, AIDS, racism, youth alienation and the integration of refugees and immigrants. St. Stephen's works within Mandarin, Cantonese and Portuguese speaking communities to increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS and to assist members of these communities to protect themselves from HIV. We facilitate workshops, develop educational resources, conduct outreach and provide condoms.
  • Counselling and Support
  • Harm Reduction
  • Sexual Health
  • Housing
  • Food and Practical Assistance
  • Financial and Employment

Eastern Time (GMT-4)

  • English

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